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A study has uncovered a connection between individuals' musical preferences and their moral values, shedding new light on the profound influence that music can have on our moral compass.
Queen Mary, University of London
16 Jan 2024
The research, conducted by a team of scientists at Queen Mary University of London and ISI Foundation in Turin, Italy, employed machine learning techniques to analyse the lyrics and audio features of individuals' favorite songs, revealing a complex interplay between music and morality.
The results demonstrated that a combination of lyrical and audio features outperformed basic demographic information in predicting individuals' moral compass. Specifically, musical elements like pitch and timbre emerged as crucial predictors for values of Care and Fairness, while sentiments and emotions expressed in lyrics were more effective in predicting traits of Loyalty, Authority, and Purity.
The study's implications extend beyond mere academic curiosity, holding the potential to impact how we engage with and utilise music in diverse aspects of life. “Our breakthrough can pave the way for applications ranging from personalised music experiences to innovative music therapy and communication campaigns,” commented Dr Kyriaki Kalimeri, senior co-author of the study and researcher at ISI Foundation.
Published: 29 Nov 2023.
For more:
Machine Learning, Meta Tags, Audio
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