Lucia House
The rooms are perfect for social gatherings, workshops, informal meetings, book and poetry reading and more. Hover over each room for more information.
We have 28 rooms in our virtual house are Beta testing throughout 2023 with a third season of the Discussion Festival.
Airmeet Pavillion
Fourth Portal is a new social space blending cafe bar workspace with retail and education both in the real world and virtual.
Our Airmeet Pavilion and cafe are for more formal meetings, workshops and teaching and are perfect for online gatherings in excess of 20 people or more.
Clients include universities, charities and the Discussion Festival.

![010 B FP Lucia House [LG] Green Room for Theatre Uses: Discuss performance, and meet other performers. Meet other speakers | Green Room is a secure space that cannot be heard or seen outside the room. Green Room is included in with Theatre booking and has 2 armchairs, 1 chair, 1 table, a record player, and books.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2fcede_07f5f05e4aea4fc9b1b289110073dd20~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_336,h_362,q_75,usm_3.90_0.10_0.08/2fcede_07f5f05e4aea4fc9b1b289110073dd20~mv2.png)
![011 B FP Lucia House [LG] Uses: Drinks get-together, wine night. Leaving do, wine tasting, social occasion | The Wine Cellar has 8 chairs, and 4 tables wine barrels.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2fcede_4616bcba081e44aab835094d260fbc49~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_364,h_362,q_75,usm_3.90_0.10_0.08/2fcede_4616bcba081e44aab835094d260fbc49~mv2.png)

![018 C FP Lucia House [Basement] Dungeon Use: Games | A standing-only area, this space is ideal for games and storytelling.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2fcede_871a9b0543ec413d9cd7b20f9f172aee~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_310,h_380,q_75,usm_3.90_0.10_0.08/2fcede_871a9b0543ec413d9cd7b20f9f172aee~mv2.png)

Welcome to our virtual social Lucia House
and workplace Airmeet conference and learning platform.

A glimpse into the future of hybrid working, education, performance, socialising and shopping - pop by for a tour
** Not yet mobile phone compatible