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Start Time

1 November

Running Time

1 Month


Across Town Centre

Event Type


About the Event


Nodevember is a global challenge to learn, share, and connect through procedural programming with tools like Blender. Running throughout November as part of the Innovation Showcase.

The prompts were released on Friday, 01 November 2024

The first two events will be at the Fourth Portal, Royal Pier Road, Gravesend, DA12 2BD
Friday, 1st November from 6:30 until we are bored or cold
Sunday 3rd November from 3pm until we are bored or cold :)

We will then decide other potential locations...


More on the event lead

The event will be led, at the beginning at least, by local Gravesend programmer Oli Donald. He intends to respond to the prompts but this year in a public space and invites anyone else, even vaguely interested to join him.

Event Information

These events are free and come and go as you please.

We intend to host this every other day in different locations around Gravesend.

You may need a computer of some type if you wish to participate, but where possible Fourth Portal will have some Macs available.

No understanding of coding is required.

You are welcome to join in, ask questions or just watch.

There is no formal training taking place, this is just a fun and enjoyable event - although you will probably learn loads!

We will not know the prompts either until the 1st November and then will seek to find matching locations - might be fun!

___ Even more information ___

The official prompt list was released on the 1st November 2024.

Nodevember is all about procedural awesomeness!

Nodevember is a yearly challenge during the month of November, to improve and show off your procedural skills.

Each year we release a list of prompts to inspire your node-based creations throughout the month.

Anything procedural is welcome. If you can call it nodes, you can call it Nodevember!"

The prompt list from 2023 is below.

To learn more see

This event is being updated

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